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In case of any technical issue in payment:
Step-1: Please use Paytm /gpay number 9591500550
Step-2: Please share screenshot of payment on WhatsApp number 9310430178 to receive zoom link.
We can’t wait to welcome you to the Decoupage workshop on Apr 30, Saturday at 4PM where you will make a beautiful Decoupage Coaster with your expert instructor.
To join the session on Zoom please click on the below link. Meeting ID: 820 9648 2909 Passcode: 774879
Recording of the session and other important instructions will be shared on the WhatsApp group.
Material options: Basic material kit on Amazon -
For the base: please sit with an old ceramic mug or Cardboard box/plastic box/old mobile box
Other items (if you are buying the kit on online, you do not need most of these) - Two Ply Decoupage tissues
- Fevicryl Mod podge glue - Acrylic colours (White color, and others matching with the tissue) or Gesso - Flat and round paint brush (any size) - Pair of scissors, Sand paper (optional), Water
Recording will be available.
If you face any issue or need more information, email us at or Call us on +91 9650120178