Phone : +91 93104 30178
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In case of any technical issue in payment:
Step-1: Please use Paytm /gpay number 9591500550
Step-2: Please share screenshot of payment on WhatsApp number 9310430178 to receive zoom link.
Congratulations for taking your first step towards becoming a phenomenal Macrame Crafter.
We cant wait to welcome you to the Macrame workshop on 6 June, Monday at 7 PM where you will make a beautiful Macrame Keychain with your expert instructor.
Zoom Link:
To join the session on Zoom please click on the below link. Meeting ID: 837 0490 4799 Passcode: 550735
Recording of the session and other important instructions will be shared on the WhatsApp group:
Material options:
10 metre of any string-'nada'/cloth string/jute/rope/Macrame yarn
Where can I buy Macrame Yarn, if I want to? Amazon link: Macrame Yarn Online or contact the supplier +91 8696617073
(Material is not mandatory for this class.) Recording will be available
If you face any issue or need more information, email us at or Call us on +91 9650120178